
來源: 2018-06-09 19:26:19 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

這是無憂當時作業的一部分。無憂把當時老師,隻是要求介紹自己的一份簡單的英文作業,給寫成了自轉,並以“Only A Dream” 為題, 深深地打動了這位老師,以及一些大學的教師校長們。

Only A Dream

The sun had been rising in the east. As red glow covered the earth, the meadows were in blossomed, and trees were green.  All this was cloaked with glistening water drops.  It was full of the perfume of smell of the morning.  Little hares were running and jumping. Tender deer were rubbing against each other.  Pigpens were cooing.  Monkey were jumping on and down branches. Tiny birds were singing and dancing and flying over the sky happily.

How lively and happy world is. Suddenly I got two wings, sprang from the earth, flied higher and higher into the very blue sky…

This dream reminds me of many things, which had happened in the past to my mother, my childhood, my life.


這是當時無憂的外教老師的評語,也是一手把無憂辦到美國留學,並像母親一樣在美國愛護關心幫助無憂的恩人,其實,無憂的老師是那個洲的名門大戶富有之人,當時就是那個洲二十幾所大學的讚助懂事會成員,是州長夫人, 是洲教育委員會主要成員。

What a wonderful story!  It is powerful, honest, and maturely controlled.

Beginning with the dream was so excellent and how you were the dream symbol through the story was wonderful.

Also, the description of your early life was painful and admirable.

Not only is it a painful story, but a philosophic statement of life.

Do keep writing and send me some stories if you can. I think you are very talented and have much to offer by writing.

這是無憂的老師希望無憂到美國留學的信的一部分,後來,她還親自給美國駐中國大使館寫信,要無憂帶去簽證,希望那裏的人民協助無憂來美國留學,就這樣無憂來到美國留學,無憂不勝感激,在如今孩子們高考之即, 願無憂的經曆對孩子們有幫助。大千世界,無奇不有,孩子們要時刻努力著,美好的前途永遠屬於不停努力, 時刻準備的人們,尤其是年輕的人們。

Dear Xiao K,


I hope you would not mind, but I took the liberty of reading one of your stories at a gathering at the University of C. (The Dream) .  I did not use your name.  They thought you were quite talented and amazing. So you are praised and honored on both sides of the world. During the questions after the talk, the President of the University asked “What will be next for the youngman who wrote the story?” I said “Perhaps he should study at this university.” The President agreed!  Would you be interested?


無憂出生貧寒,但一生受到好多人的幫助, 好多人甚至是違反當時政策,幫助無憂,無憂在中國出國護照,當時的市公安局局長覺得無憂可愛,提前為無憂辦理護照,單位的領導覺得無憂是個人才,機會難得, 毫不阻攔,同意無憂留學,甚至當時隻能折換五十美元出國,當時的兌換外匯的負責人,覺得出國那麽遠,前途未撲, 違反政策,特意給無憂了兩百美元,而這些人,無憂是以前從來不認識,所以在無憂的心裏,無憂一直覺得中國大陸的人,是非常的善良友好的, 無憂一直是感激不盡,不管是誰,無憂能幫助則幫助。


