【10個常用英語表達】 10 Useful English Phrases

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•For no reason - 無緣無故, 毫無理由、無端, 莫名其妙;
•For a reason – 不是無緣無故的,是有原因的,

•There is no such thing (person) as …  -  we say this to emphasize that it (the person) does not exist or is not possible. 沒有(…)這樣的事情/人

•At sb.’s expense / at the expense of sb. -  making another person look silly; 捉弄;拿…開心
•Cross the line - 越界,做得過火, 過分了;
  • Be about to do - to be going to do something very soon; 剛要,正要; 我正準備…
•End up doing (being)  - to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected; 最終, 到頭來,最後變成, (不在計劃意料中的結果,沒想到最後)