As cats generally gain much of their water from theirfood, cats with chronic renal disease should, whenever possible, be fed wet foods rather than dry, grain-based foods. ... An ideal diet for a cat with renal disease should have a highly digestible, bio-appropriate protein content, such as rabbit and poultry.
Kidney disease Kitty 並 不代表 一定 要吃 低蛋白的 食物, 要吃可以消化的單一的 高蛋白(但Phosphorus成分要非常低或沒有)
建議改罐頭,可以吃Hill's DD can food
還有, 可以 在家裏貓貓打fluids, 幫助貓貓 排毒。chronic renal disease並不 代表 絕症, 合理的食物和細心照料, 貓貓可以陪伴你很久的