Butterscotch updates!
I went to see butterscotch at shelter today. I call him butter-butter kitty now. The staff have already let him out for a while. They told me, based on their observations of these days, he’s very healthy and no sign of FIV such as sneezing, running nose, watering eyes, skin rash. And he eats and drinks normally. So they suspect his FIV test is false positive, meaning he might get FIV vaccination from previous owner. (But since there’s no way to tell whether his FIV+ is coming from animal bites or vaccination, he still needs precaution to be raised with other healthy cats. Good news is, if it’s false positive, his immune system is not damaged.) He’s very affectionate and no one will miss him without talking to him because he greets everyone soon as people step in the room. So I let him out and he recognized me. I gave him some rub dub and I can feel his muscle is tight and he got full stomach too. Below are some clips I took today.