
來源: 2010-05-05 11:29:57 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

今天終於有點時間,讀了一小段,發現舌頭好久不練是有點硬了。每天說話和錄音感覺還是不一樣的。_(a) _(a) _(a)


I've been fascinated by this whole concept of sleep. How we sleep, why we sleep, for a very long time and some new research coming out is pretty interesting stuff, saying basically that while sleep is good, dreaming is even better as far as learning thing, remembering things, synthesizing things and figuring out problems. Just fascinating stuff.

They had a series of tests and problems they presented to people. They allowed certain people to sleep after the problem was presented and other people did not get to sleep and they really tried to figure out what was happening specifically in the brain and how people would perform. First of all they found that people who got a little bit of sleep were able to figure out a lot of these problems easier and more quickly.