【說一個詞】pull 和 pull 的詞組

來源: 2010-02-18 09:47:12 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


說一個詞】pull 和 pull 的詞組 by Lilac

大家好,我是Lilac. Lilac英語廣播由於資金和時間的問題,曾一度中斷,今天剛方方麵麵到位,正好可以湊合一期就又開講了.
今天說的是一個普通詞 pull 


The drawer won't pull out.
抽屜拉不開 。 

The train pulled into the station.

The man pulled thoughtfully at his pipe.

Avatar pulls in large audiences.


  1. pull over: To bring a vehicle to a stop at a curb or at the side of a road:靠向路邊
    • The tourists signaled the driver to pull over. 遊客們招呼司機把車開到路邊。
    • We pulled over to watch the sunset. 我們把車停在路邊看日落,很浪漫的說
  2. 我今天著重說的是 pull off
    • pull off – Informal. 在口語中經常出現, 得勝, 得獎, 完成, 這個成功完成什麽事情是不容易的( To perform in spite of difficulties or obstacles)
      • pulled off a last-minute victory. 最後一分鍾取得勝利
    •  大家體會下麵兩個例句: (To get away with something)
      • "I can't believe we pulled off that prank" or
      • "Only he could pull off wearing a shirt like that to school"

其實這個pull off經常出現在八卦雜誌上女明星奇裝鬥豔這一欄
Jennifer Love Hewitt attempts one of the trickiest of all fashion feats: the dress with pants look. She pairs a yellow heart-print dress with a bow over slim dark jeans. 
But is this something you could pull off?

 Jennifer Love Hewitt

 Lilac09  02 2010


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