【漢譯英 Chinese to English】
盡管遭到Trump反對,周三TikTok剝離法案在眾議院以壓倒多數通過,但它在參議院的命運並不確定,因為參議院多數黨領袖Chuck Schumer仍未對該法案作出任何承諾。包括參議院二號民主黨人、司法委員會主席Dick Durbin在內的多位參議員表達了對TikTok禁令是否合乎憲法的擔憂。杜賓還表示:“將一大批年輕選民排除在外並不是連任的最佳策略。”
The TikTok divestment bill overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday despite Trump's opposition, but its fate in the Senate is uncertain as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer remains uncommitted to the bill. Several senators, including the Senate's No. 2 Democrat and Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, have expressed concerns about the constitutionality of the TikTok ban. Durbin also said: "Cutting off a large group of young voters is not the best known strategy for re-election."