
來源: 2024-02-19 16:33:13 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


漢譯英: 萬湖小舟
Translated by Joe

In today's era

我天生就愛財 要什麽桃花開
I love money innately, Mrs. or Mr. right who cares 

我每天想發財 我活的才明白
Everyday dreaming to get rich,  I can live in perfect pitch.

賺錢姿勢要帥 不要被愛情阻礙
Take a good posture to make money and not be blocked by love

我說隻要有財 人生才自在
When you have big dollars, your life will not be tough