December 25 not Jesus Bday but Paganized day

來源: 2023-12-25 16:27:42 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

December 25th was not originally recognized as the actual date of Jesus' birth. The choice of this date for celebrating Christmas has historical connections to pre-existing pagan traditions. In fact, the early Christians selected December 25th, a date associated with pagan festivities, due to its convenience.

Before the Christian era, various cultures in ancient Europe observed pagan celebrations around the end of December. These festivities were linked to the worship of pagan gods like Saturn or Odin and were often aligned with the winter solstice, marking the shortest day of the year. The decision to adopt December 25th for Christmas allowed early Christians to integrate their celebration with existing cultural practices, making the transition to Christianity more seamless for the local population.

So, while Christmas is now primarily a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, its historical roots reveal a strategic incorporation of pre-existing pagan traditions as part of the broader process of cultural assimilation and conversion.


What was the original name of pagan Christmas?
Christmas owes its roots to the ancient Roman holiday of Saturnalia, which was a pagan festival which was celebrated from December 17-25 each year. This custom was altered and absorbed into Christmas, and this allowed early Christians to gradually erase these old pagan holidays.

The term "pagan" historically refers to a diverse range of pre-Christian and non-Christian religious and cultural practices. It is a broad umbrella term that encompasses various traditions, including but not limited to those of the Greco-Roman, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic tribes. In essence, paganism is a collective term for the polytheistic, nature-centered, and non-Abrahamic belief systems that existed before the widespread adoption of Christianity.

The characterization of Christmas as having pagan roots is based on historical observations of the incorporation of pre-existing pagan customs into Christian celebrations. As mentioned earlier, the choice of December 25th for Christmas was influenced by pagan winter solstice celebrations.

Some holidays and traditions associated with paganism that are mentioned include:

  1. Christmas: Elements of Christmas, such as the timing of the celebration and certain customs, have connections to pagan winter solstice celebrations.

  2. New Year's Day: The celebration of the new year has roots in various ancient cultures and their observances related to the changing of seasons.

  3. Easter: The timing of Easter is linked to pagan spring equinox celebrations.

  4. The Roman version of Halloween: Some aspects of Halloween can be traced back to ancient Roman festivals, like the festival of Pomona.

  5. May 1st (Labor Day): May Day celebrations have historical pagan and agricultural roots.

  6. Epiphany or Three Kings Day: The celebration of Epiphany has connections to ancient Christian and pre-Christian traditions.

  7. Saint John's Eve: Celebrated on June 23rd, this event has connections to pre-Christian midsummer festivities.

It's important to note that while certain elements of these celebrations may have originated in pagan practices, over time, many holidays have evolved and taken on new meanings within different cultural and religious contexts. Additionally, the term "pagan" itself is broad and encompasses a wide range of diverse belief systems.


Is Santa a pagan?
Santa's image & Christmas stockings

But the idea of an old man giving gifts to children dates much earlier than that, back to the time of the pagans. Father Christmas, otherwise known as St. Nicholas, was a patron saint of children, the poor, and prostitutes.
Do Jews celebrate Christmas?
More broadly, the tradition symbolizes to many Jewish people a rejection of historical Christmas traditions and a feeling of commonality with those who are excluded from those traditions—neither Jewish nor Chinese people are intended to celebrate Christmas, and this tradition unites them in their "otherness" concerning ...

While Christmas is widely known as a time of joy, celebration, and goodwill, some popular holiday traditions do indeed have darker origins or histories that may surprise people. Here are a couple of examples:

  1. Christmas Caroling: In the 1700s, the tradition of caroling had a more aggressive and demanding tone. Instead of the peaceful and joyful image we have today, carolers were known to engage in rowdy and sometimes intimidating behavior. In some cases, groups of carolers would go door-to-door, demanding food, drink, and money from the residents. If the demands were not met, carolers might resort to more disruptive tactics, such as breaking down doors or causing disturbances. Over time, this tradition evolved into the more lighthearted and festive caroling we know today.

  2. The Nutcracker Ballet: "The Nutcracker" is a beloved ballet performed during the holiday season, but its origins trace back to a darker and more fantastical story. The ballet is based on E.T.A. Hoffmann's story "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King," written in the early 19th century. Hoffmann's tale includes elements of fantasy, magic, and a bit of darkness. In the story, the Nutcracker comes to life to battle the Mouse King in a somewhat eerie and surreal narrative. The transformation of this dark tale into a festive ballet is a testament to how traditions can evolve and be reinterpreted over time to suit cultural sensibilities.

These examples highlight how holiday traditions can undergo significant transformations, shedding their darker origins to become the festive and joyful practices we associate with Christmas today. It's a reminder that the way we celebrate and perceive traditions can change over the years, often diverging from their original contexts.


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黑海南部港口城市敖德薩的聖誕教堂12月24日舉行了平安夜祈禱儀式。在基輔的聖米迦勒金圓頂修道院,烏克蘭東正教大主教葉皮法尼 (Yepifaniy) 主持了聖誕儀式。

據法新社報道,烏克蘭各地民眾表示支持聖誕節日期的改變,將其視為一個獨立的烏克蘭的節日以及俄羅斯全麵入侵烏克蘭後的一個自然的結果。名為 Yagody(漿果)的傳統音樂團體的歌手 Tetiana表示:"我很高興我們終於能與世界其他地方一起慶祝平安夜和聖誕節。這真的很酷。"
