The supreme court's emergency rule

來源: 2023-04-19 19:18:47 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

The supreme court's emergency rule on the abortion pill staying two more days in the market is a clear failure of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. The conservative majority seemed to claim a victory almost one year ago, and returned the abortion right to the states, unfortunately, this has only led to a national turmoil.

No other case would defame the supreme court than the case when the Taney's court rejected the Missouri compromise and determined the Congress had no power to prohibit slavery. Historians regard this notorious decision triggered the civil war. If there is no other means to divide the nation, then let the supreme court do it----return those critically right decisions to the states, and make us more divided. Ironically, returning power to the states plays a similar role in the most recent supreme court abortion case, dividing men and women  half privileged, and the other half not.

The abortion matter is not about life nor death, right nor wrong. The matter here is the turmoil runs like a snow ball, which maganifiies itself each time when a new lawsuit is filed.

An early Texas lawsuit in which the husband sued the friends of the wife for providing help when the women seeked abortion not only made me feel chilling but also heartbreaking.

This lawsuit, in the sense of so called pro-life, deprives each individual women's access to the simplest care from another human being. When the women is most fragile and vulnerable with an unwanted pregnancy, she cannot even turn to a friend. Life is hell, period, no need to go to heaven for heaven's sake.

Some states are stockpiling abortion pills to prepare the worst. This is an inconvenient fact----the Dobbs v. Jackson decision is not protecting life, but protecting people's ego and distroying lives of million. We are not a whole country, when half of the population has no protection.