中國不停地在使用這個詞,看看到底啥意思。Tacitus Trap

來源: 2022-11-28 12:04:26 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

搞不懂,到底中國國內到底是Tacitus Trap。還是政府支持率超高。


acitus Trap is a political theory named after Roman historian Tacitus, which describes a situation where an unpopular government is hated no matter what it does and whether it is right or wrong. The theory was brought up in a 2007 book by Professor from the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University. In the book, he quoted Tacitus' remark on Galba, an unpopular emperor of Rome, to explain the recurrent declines of the Chinese dynasties throughout the history: "When a government is unpopular, either good policies or bad policies tell against the government itself." Since China’s paramount leader and General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping's use of the term in 2014, it has become increasingly popular in journalism and academia in China. State-run media


經常看到統計說,中國人超級信賴政府,充滿信心,可是為啥要討論Tacitus Trap?




