【一句話翻譯】 你的屬性? 答案出乎意料!

來源: 2022-02-12 11:10:39 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

感謝梅雨潭的she/her, He/His, and whatever you are in debating to best fit your lovely self in this new era! OK


I am very grateful for all of you making effort during this busy time, our Chinese New Year celebrations, exciting Beijing winter Olympic Games and another busy weekend! to support me, support this fine corner of  our 梅雨潭, most of all support our enthusiastic spirit thrust to update our English , keeping up with time! 


I am proud of all of you!  大禮包請稍後分頭打開悄悄話 郵件







原為宋朝郊廟朝會的歌辭,後成為描寫春天的經典名句。 意思是,在溫暖春風的吹拂下,蟄伏一冬的動物又開始活動了,萬物複蘇,一片生機勃勃! 


啊!八個字!美我中華哉 字字珠璣 大道至簡!




妖妖 she/her 打前站!With the sun smilingintects singingleaves growingthe spring is here. 


善念/屬性拒絕透露     The spring warms up the world and brings all back to life.


移花接木 /直男 !All creatures recover from dormancy when spring arrives.


Ibelieu  / 屬性讚不明。                   At the urging of the wind of spring,

                                        Back to life everything is stirring.


忒忒綠/推薦直男!  Hibernators come out with the warm breeze, 

The entire world is greeting the new spring.




疏影笑寒屬性讚不明  Spring is back, everything is alive again.


 CLary/ 八種請你盡快選一個 When warm sunshine wakes insects, spring is here.


 前川屬性還在斟酌中:)) The warmth of spring brings everything on earth to life.





英翻中:Let your love see me

                even through the barrier of nearness.       ———- “Fireflies “ R. Tagore 


—- 《螢火蟲》泰戈爾






*personally I felt it was done too conservatively.  Let’s see ours! 


妖妖 she/her一馬當先!   讓你的愛能穿越近在咫尺的荊棘照耀著我。


善念/屬性拒絕透露  我怎樣才能將你的熟視無睹化為愛意呢?


移花接木 /直男! 讓你的愛看見我甚至穿過最近的障礙


Ibelieu  / 屬性讚不明   盼你對我不是熟視無睹,而竟是日久生情。 


忒忒綠 / 推薦直男!      請越過親蜜造成的隔閡,



疏影笑寒屬性讚不明。 千方百計讓你愛上我!


cLYang / 八種不要挑花眼!盡管是在靠近阻礙之中,也讓我感受到你的愛。


前川/屬性還在斟酌中:))    讓你的愛找到我, 不要讓熟識成了障礙。




                “What are your pronouns?” Is a seemingly innocuous question that has       become increasingly common. VP K. Harris “she/her” in her Twitter bio, Transportation Secretary P. Buttigieg includes “he/his” (that surprised me ) then there are the singular “they/them” pronouns used by “nonbinary “ people who identify as neither male or female, as well as a growing list of bespoke “neo pronouns “ such as “ze/zir” or “fae/faer”, and even stranger “noun self” neopronouns like”bun/bunself “ which, actually according to New York Times, are identities that can encompass animals and fantasy characters. How mind blowing ! So, When asked for your “pronouns”, whats your answer? 





                                   Don’t Answer -

                                            By WSJ 


再次感謝大家捧場!虎年大吉!多多點讚 ,(尤其是我的)  心想事成! 
