好浪漫!:) 交作業:
我欲與君相知 Long for us to fall in love with each other,
長命無絕衰。 And wish our love lasts forever and ever.
山無陵, Should, mountains turn into plains,
江水為竭, Rivers run dry,
冬雷震震, Thunders roar in chilly winter,
夏雨雪, Snow falls in scorching Summer,
天地合, Or, the sky and the earth come together,
乃敢與君絕! Would I part with you ever!
We crave romantic love like nothing else, we'll make unimaginable sacrifices for it and it can take us from a state of ecstasy to deepest despair.
On the rocks
例句:I wonder if they will call off the wedding. Their relationship seems to be on the rocks.
on the rocks: Experiencing difficulties and likely to fail, spoiled, ruined
They have been together for a while, but their relationshion is on the rocks now.
Fix somebody up (with somebody)
例句:I'm not going to the party unless you promise me you won't try to fix me up with another friend of yours.
Fix somebody up (with somebody): To arrange a date for two people
No, not again! Whom do you want fix her up with this time?