【藍隊】【美壇藍綠綁架爭霸】Mission Impossible

來源: 2021-07-19 20:28:35 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
原創詩文 引子:男兒焉解甲?劍嘯虎山移。不必鋒芒露,雲端掛鞘時。
和韻 盈盈一笑間 七律:







鄉愁四韻   平水韻一先 










I spinned this wild story completely out of thin air. I apologize if dark humor isn't your cup of tea.  Anyway, my intent is anything but malicious. 
Nightfall. Paris lit up. Right in plain sight, my covert operation kicked off.
I was armed to the teeth with a newly composed Chinese ci poem, hush-hush.
iPhone on. Poetry sent.
Digitally connected, a lady netizen was instantly captured, poetically speaking. Not surprisingly, she responded positively to my soft power and took my side. Trapped in the legendary Stockholm Syndrome, she went on to do my bidding. Worming through Mei Yu Shi Jie, she took over a same-gender netizen's post by reading it out with her syrupy sing-song voice. Before I knew it, I had already bagged two captives of the opposite gender, virtually in one fell swoop. It's so sweet. It's just for fun.
I’m not gloating, but I must say this: NO MISSION IS IMPOSSIBLE. Move over, Tom Cruise.
In all seriousness, I can’t thank 甜蟲蟲 enough for recording her inspirational reading of just_4_fun’s Paris-themed post.* I have more than an inkling of how much precious time 蟲蟲 has sacrificed for this project. However, I have no idea how much I owe her. I simply know that I owe her a lot.
I also know that we miss just_4_fun. Given her caliber, she has much to offer Mei Yu Shi Jie, the Beautiful World of our Lingua Franca, which is such a scenic route for net surfers. I am looking forward to her return to the fold. Who isn't?

*"文字可以如斯美麗" by just_4_fun https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/214112.html

Audio by 甜蟲蟲