I remember in the spring of 2006, there were a pair of pigeons who came to my balcony and built a nest. The female laid eggs there, then the couple took turns to hatch them. As days passed by, the baby pigeons hatched from the eggs, grew bigger and bigger, learning to fly, and finally reached full size. It was an interesting experience to watch all these happen. :)
Last weekend I recorded Song Dongye's song pigeon, which brought back this sweet memory.
鴿子 - 宋冬野
我在雙手合十的晚上 渴望一雙翅膀
飛去南方 南方
盡管再也看不到 無名山的高
匆匆忙忙地飛翔 隻是為了回家
明天太遠 今天太短
偽善的人來了又走 隻顧吃穿
昨天我數到 第二十五顆星星
在北京 第二十五個秋天的夜晚
收得下過去 也給的了未來
他們在別有用心的生活裏 翩翩舞蹈
你在我後半生的城市裏 長生不老
鴿子啊 你再也不需要翅膀
明天冰雪封山的時候 我也光著雙腳
站在你翻山越嶺的盡頭 正當年少
兩千個秘密 沒人知道
請你在春天到來的時候 輕輕歌唱
唱一首關於冬天的歌謠 漫漫長長
鴿子啊 我在你溫暖的路上