【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there
I am sailing
I am sailing
Home again
Cross the sea
I am sailing
Stormy waters
To be near you
To be free
I've never been to south america, so it's just a dream to have a tour on mysterous Easter Island. I wonder how and why the original inhanbitants made so many monumental stone statues. These great stone works are so charming and attractive, I can't help waiting to bring my girl friend there and take pictures standing biside them...
But it is a little far away. The narrow and long country Chile is 10,000 kms away from north america, and there are addtional 3000 kms more journey to arrive at the lonely sexy island. I don't know when can my travel plan come true, let me sing a song for those lovely giant stone statues first!
I am flying
I am flying
Like a bird
Cross the sky
I am flying
Passing high clouds
To be near you
To be free