Hiking into the White
Although it was quite warm the snow came down on Christmas eve after all, giving my dreamed white Christmas
music: White Christmas by Frank Sinatra & Bing Crosby
1. Entering the hiking trail

2. snow craters

3. hi, there! We are fading in Winter and missing the Summer glory together! Isn't it romatic?

4. icy cake

5. I may be worthless but am unique and priceless

6. winter wonderland

7. Afternoon sun in cold Winter still warm up the heart of the living creature

8. backlight

9. Inside the red bush... ...

10. camouflaging the red cardinal birds; shame! wish my birding lens in the backpack only had the walk-around lens with me,
too far barely within range; how many do you see?

11. running water doesn't freeze

12. as if the heavenly light upon me in the dark woods, and the heavenly voice sounds

13. mid summer fruit? or left over fruit? Karen Mok's song 盛夏的果實/剩下的果實,homophonous, It's joke! got it?

14. I just changed a way of beauty

15. I witness time

16. once a Summer time invisible creek unveiled its real appearance.

17.icy croissant

18. death is just another format of life

19. Merry Christmas everywhere

20. Live Christmas Tree

21. evergreen

22. Winter gear

23. dog and deer and human footprints

24. deer and human footprints

25. red really pop