【Transcript (五 )】視頻:《SimonSinek_LoveYourWork》

來源: 2014-10-25 19:32:17 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

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In another word, we know that it takes more than seven days, and we know it takes less than seven years. The problem is, we don't know how long it takes, somewhere in the middle. All human bonds are the same, like, when you show up at work, when you show first time, when you are new, don't expect people that will look after you, and they won't expect you look after them in seven days. It won't happen, but if you'v been working at a job for a few years, and you don't have the undun,,,this is sort of, the absolute confident, you turn your back, you are not to be stabbed, you can rely on somebody, you can give them something, nothing will go wrong, you can share credit, no one will throw you on a bus. You don't have that in a few years, something's wrong, something's wrong. I don't know how long it takes, but I know this is more than a week, I know it's less than seven years, and the marines fundamentally understand that before, anyone is willing to put themselves after for another (單複數語法錯誤,應該是himself), they have to have self-confidence, real self-confidence.

You have to be confident yourself your own ability before you are willing to help another. If you are insecure at all about your own ability, it's sort of paradox. Right? How am I, how can I overcome my confidence? you know, my self-confidence. You know, we all have ego issues all time. You know, we all do. right? but if I am not confident myself, I won't help another. It's oxi, it's paradox, because we need someone to look after for us before we are willing to help our peers, right? This is what the management is supposed to do. The drilling structures, the school, they are there our parents. They are there for one reason, one reason only, to help us to feel strong and good about ourselves. But look at the way we talk to each other. Look, a budget is being cut. so what you get told, I need you guys to do more with even less, right? that's what we were told. Hey guys, i need you guys to do more with less. That's what we were told by our boss, by our clients, by our parents, this is what we were told, right? That's like what you parents told you when you were young, I know you are stupid, figure it out! Right?

You are not as smart as other kids. What you want me to do? Right? It's exact the same thing, I need to do more with less, right? what we need to be telling people, i need you to do more with what you have, right? You have capacity, you have strength, you have talent, you have capa,,, ability to do more with what you have, I need you to do more with what you have, we don't celebrate with what you got, we criticized with what we don't have . this is the responsibility of management to take us under the wing and help us understand our own value to ourselves. Close your eyes, and think back to high school, and think that one teacher who took you under the wing, and cared for you, looked after you, and helped you realize you are capable of more than you thought you were, and you, you probably are the person you are today, in some part, because of that person. Right?

You have that name? What's the name, tell me the name. tell me the name of the teacher.Okay, give me the name, okay i can point out anybody, you can tell me that name. Now tell me the names all the other teachers you have that day. Can't remember, can ya? This is the power of those who teach us confidence. We will literally carry their names around with us for the rest of our lives. Wouldn't you want to be that person? Wouldn't you want to be that person that 20 years from now, 30 years from now, 40 years from now, I can do this exercise with somebody, and they will tell me your name? This is the power, of helping others realize their strength. This is what management and leadership is supposed to be doing. They are supposed to be caring for us and helping us realize our own value, and by the way, you have anybody to report your works for you, your responsibility is not to make them meet the deadline, your responsibility is not to make them do what you say, your responsibility is to make sure that they understand their own strength, their own value, and they are way way more talented than they think they are. I mean only way they will learn that, is you put them in situations in which they can fail, and you hold them, you support them, and you give them talent, you give them skills, and you give them education, and you watch their backs, and they fall over, you encourage them to get back up, if they fall over, you encourage them to get back up, and if they fall over, you encourage them to get back up until they figure out themselves. It's called Confidence!