學一個詞 Pluot

來源: 2013-08-11 08:28:32 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

you can't judge a fruit by its look~~~


if I offer these fruits, you will probably doubt the flavor.

the yellow ones are golden plums,和紫李子比起來,味道綿潤,口感不那麽甜。

紅色的是自家產的李子杏。From Wiki:

Pluots, apriums, apriplums, or plumcots, are some of the hybrids between different Prunus species that are also called interspecific plums. In the United States, these fruit are known by most regulatory agencies as interspecific plums. Whereas plumcots and apriplums are first-generation hybrids between a plum parent (P. salicina or P. cerasifera or their hybrids), and an apricot (P. armeniaca), pluots and apriums are later-generations.[1][2] Both names "plumcot" and "apriplum" have been used for trees derived from a plum seed parent, and are therefore equivalent.


李子杏的英文是pluot,前半部份是李子plum, 後半部分是杏apricot拚寫,所以就連美國人也不知怎麽念,有人讀成普魯奧特,有人讀成普勞特。不管舌頭轉不轉得過來彎兒,嚐一嚐吧,味道好極了!另外還有根據李子成分多還是杏成分多而用的詞(from wiki)Plumcots/apriplums

Natural plumcots/apriplums have been known for hundreds of years from regions of the world that grow both plums and apricots from seed.[5] The name plumcot was created by Luther Burbank.

Pluots /ˈpluːɒt/[7] are later-generations that show more plum than apricot characteristics; the fruit's exterior has smooth skin closely resembling that of a plum. Pluots were developed in the late 20th century by Floyd Zaiger,[8] and "Pluot" is a registered trademark of Zaiger's Genetics. The Pluot was featured on an Andy Rooney segment on 60 Minutes.

Apriums are complex plum-apricot hybrids that show more apricot traits, genetically they are one-fourth (25%) plum and three-fourths (75%) apricot. Aprium varieties were developed in the late 1980s by Floyd Zaiger, and "Aprium" is a registered trademark of Zaiger's Genetics.

Apriums resemble apricots on the outside. The flesh is usually dense. Apriums are noted for their sweet taste, due to their high content of fructose and other complex sugars. Apriums are usually only available early in the fruit season, like apricots and unlike pluots, which include some very late-ripening varieties.

Aprium trees grow quickly and are smaller compared to other common home-grown apricots. The fruit is gold, with red coloration. Semi-mature fruit is hard and does not ripen if picked before completely mature.


🌸初夏收獲~櫻桃 枇杷 黑莓 李子 杏兒

🌸果園收獲~桃兒 李子 無花果 梨 棗兒
