剛學到的一個短語 No flies on somebody
dict.cn 的解釋:
- He'll do the job properly; there are no flies on him.他會把這樁事辦妥的,他是個精明人。
- There are no flies on this transaction.這是件無可指責的交易。
- There are no flies on your uncle.你舅舅是個非常可靠的人。
- Some people are not very careful about counting their change in shops but there are no flies on him. He always makes sure of his money.有些人不注意在商店裏數一數找給他們的零錢,不過他是很精明的。他總是把他的錢點得清清楚楚。
- Look,I'm a bright boy. There aren't many flies on me.我可不是一個笨小夥子,想糊弄我可不容易。
- You won't catch Tina with that double-headed coin; there are no flies on her.你用雙正麵硬幣是騙不了蒂娜的,她不會受騙。
- Don't ever hire lawyers or accountants until you are sure there are no flies on them.不要輕易雇用律師或會計師,直到你確定他們是清白廉潔的。
- You'd better tell your neighbour all the facts. Don't try to fool him in any way. There are no flies on him.你應該把全部實情告訴你的鄰居。無論如何別試圖欺騙他:他這人精明得很。
- Although he is on the wrong side of seventy, he is quick in movement.There are no flies on him.雖然70多歲了,但他動作敏捷,走起路來快著哩。
- I have no ready cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow?我身上沒帶現錢,明天付你行嗎?
- I find his book begin to pall on me after a while.我發覺他的書讀過一陣子就開始對我失去吸引力。
- There are no flies on sth.[俚](某人)很機靈,不會上當;(某事、某物)無弊病。
- Such expressions rather grate on me.這種說法對我很刺耳。
- Honestly! You are always throwing cold water on me.說實在的!你老是給我潑冷水。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me.她總是把額外責任加到我身上。
- It dawned on me that it was only a dream.我漸漸明白這隻是個夢。
- Peter is nothing but a fly on the wheel.彼特不過是個妄自尊大的人而已。
- Don't inflict your belief on me.不要把你的想法強加於我。