英語小作文:Sex on the Beach

來源: 2012-07-27 19:13:53 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

is a kind of cocktail drink that I think we can have it while flipping Fifty Shades of Grey and could  not  find any porn scenes in the beginning. What do you think? 

The first time I had sex on the beach was a summer night a few years ago back in Toronto. That summer I decided to leave Toronto for my univercity education in another city. At the farewell get-together for me on the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper located in downtown Toronto, my friends treated me with a cup of sex on the beach, it tasted good! When I gave that order, all of my friends snickered laughing at me. I was like"oh, come on, it is just a name of a  drink". It is said that the restaurant on the 50th floor of that building is a good place to see the night scenery of the city of Toronto, so that was why we went there. We had an unforgettable time that night.

Take a look at the recipe if you are intersted in making youself some:


This is a popular Sex on the Beach and what is most likely the original. Popular substitutes include using pineapple for the orange, or Midori & Chambord instead of schnapps.

Scale ingredients to servings

Add vodka and peach schnapps to a highball glass over ice. Fill with equal measures of cranberry juice and orange juice, and stir.

Read more: Sex on the Beach recipe http://www.drinksmixer.com/drink583.html#ixzz21sXEJjmx