lesson 18 大家來圍攻吧,謝謝。
小千貼心tip:eighteen的 teen壓扁ti:n; having-ing後鼻音
256. Did you pack enough sandwiches for the picnic ?
Enough的e讀ə很美味ə-ˈnəf,而且在句子裏自然弱讀了。我鄰居家小男孩打水仗時我聽他們喊,ə-ˈnəf !ə-ˈnəf!我當時還想不是應該讀“因那夫”嗎?
257. Let’s find a spot away from the ants.
spot 的o讀短促,我讀得慢,所以這裏的短促不明顯 i
258. It’s great weather for a picnic.
259. Let’s sit at that bench over there.
260. This spot isn’t too crowded to eat at.
Spot的t是hold的 i:
261. Let’s go eat out by the lake.
。 i:
262. A picnic can be a romantic date.
263. I have fond memories of picnics with my parents.
fond的d要hold ə
264. Make sure you pick up all your trash when you’re finished eating.
eating的t濁化, i:
265. Is there any beer left in the cooler ?
Left的t hold; i: cooler u:
266. We won’t know how much food to buy, until we decide how many people are coming.
Food的d hold; oo u:
267. We should get paper plates and plastic utensils, so we won’t have to do any dishes.
Get,won’t的t hold, utensil的l
268. It’s such a lovely day for a picnic.
269. I really like it when it’s homemade, not the fast food kind.
Fast,food,kind的t,d,d,hold u:
270. The day’s really nice and we should walk off some of this food.
Food的d,hold u: