
來源: 2011-06-19 01:50:14 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

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If the song clip can't start, please click here File uploaded to: http://tinypic.com/r/2nbg22d/7 喝醉了,第一次來這,並帶上我的錄音,多多交流,請拍磚。 Re:一條氣不停地朗讀錄音,in Windows Media Audio Format with 800kb in size, 一千個字in一分鍾。 I’m DrunkerKickass, It’s my first time here and find it funny that many of you here are participating in learning English. The following are my comments. First: In spoken American English, the use of the simple past and present perfect are often used contrary to the rules of grammar, particularly where the words 'yet' and 'yesterday' are concerned. Second: When studying English you may feel it is very strange to say long sounds, because they do not exist in your own language, however, unless you use long sounds, your English will be difficult to understand. In fact, it’s better to make your long sound too long, rather than not long enough. Third: Native English speakers modify their language according to their situation, just as you would do in your own language. Unless you have constant exposure to English over many years, you cannot expect to do this. The trick therefore is to choose the best English for universal speaking purposes and to recognize other versions of English, so you are not at a disadvantage. By doing so, you will avoid misunderstandings and you will be able to judge the quality of another person's English. Forth: Many Chinese experience difficulties with the use of the present perfect, because the use of it does not correspond with a similar-looking tense in their own language.