Trans Fat 是Partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs);是加工的,肉裏麵相對少

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成品食品都有標 Trans Fat 含量

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Partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), also known as trans fats, are a type of fat created by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make them solid, like shortening or margarineThis process increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods. However, PHOs are considered unhealthy and can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Trans fats can raise bad (LDL) cholesterol and lower good (HDL) cholesterol. 
PHOs are found in many food products, including:
  • Baked goods like cakes, cookies, and pies
  • Shortening
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Frozen pizza
  • Refrigerated dough like biscuits and rolls
  • Peanut butter 
In 2018, the FDA banned food manufacturers from using PHOs in their products, and the rule is effective on December 22, 2023. To avoid PHOs, you can: Read food labels carefully, Use vegetable oils for cooking, and Limit packaged foods. 
The American Heart Association (AHA) says there are two types of trans fats. The first is one that is found naturally in some animals. Small amounts of these naturally occurring trans fats can be found in foods such as milk, cheese, butter, and meat products.


