Here, 狗來的

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回答: 這個呢?外鄉人2024-06-25 10:32:31

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different meanings due to the presence or absence of the article "a."

  1. "He was a doctor and a teacher."
  2. "He was a doctor and teacher."

In the first sentence, "He was a doctor and a teacher," the article "a" is used before both "doctor" and "teacher." This indicates that he held both professions as separate and distinct roles. Essentially, he was both a doctor and a teacher, implying that these were two different identities or occupations that he had.

In the second sentence, "He was a doctor and teacher," the article "a" is only used before "doctor" and not before "teacher." This construction suggests that being a doctor and being a teacher were combined or seen as a single role or identity. In this case, the professions of doctor and teacher are not necessarily distinct but are considered together as part of a single identity or occupation.

So, the choice between the two sentences depends on whether you want to emphasize that the person held two distinct roles (using "a doctor and a teacher") or that the person combined two roles into one identity (using "a doctor and teacher"). Both are grammatically correct; the difference lies in the nuance of meaning conveyed.


湘雅的醫生和南翔的老師? -外鄉人- 給 外鄉人 發送悄悄話 外鄉人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/25/2024 postreply 10:46:44
