1, 生命的覺悟
Consciousness of life
2 一顆自由,喜悅與充滿愛的心
A heart of freedom, joy, and love
3 走遍天下的氣魄
The spirit that travels all over the world
4 回歸自然 ,有與大自然連接的能力
Back to nature:ability of connection with nature
5 安穩而平和的睡眠
Smooth and steady sleeping
6 享受真正屬於自己的空間與時間
Enjoy your own space and time
7 彼此深愛的靈魂伴侶
A beloved soul mate
8 任何時候都有真正懂你的人
There's always someone who really understands you
9 身體健康,內心富有
Healthy body and rich heart
10 能感染並點燃他人的希望!
Infect others and awaken their hopematch