經典音樂欣賞 - 羅德裏哥(西班牙作曲家)- 吉他協奏曲 Aranjuez

來源: 2009-02-28 19:10:39 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Joaquín Rodrigo Vidre(羅德裏哥 - 西班牙作曲家)

Joaquín Rodrigo Vidre (22 November 1901 – 6 July 1999) was a composer of classical music and a virtuoso pianist. Despite being blind from an early age, he achieved great success. Rodrigo's music counts among some of the most popular of the 20th century, particularly his Concierto de Aranjuez, considered one of the pinnacles of the Spanish music and guitar concerto repertoire.

吉他協奏曲 Aranjuez 第二樂章

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