How much is rental interest rate?

來源: 2021-09-25 20:26:56 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

1. 用自住房refinance出來的錢全款買投資房,這個思路有什麽問題嗎?或者有沒有什麽常規的跟進辦法?


2. 如果我用全款買投資房的話,refinance的利息能用來抵稅嗎?

The interest can be deducted from rental income. 

3. 如果我想買第二套投資房的話是不是最好用常規貸款?因為第一套投資房refinance出來的錢肯定不夠買第二套。銀行告訴我最多隻能refinance 房子市值的60%.

Yes. I suggest you spend your cash into  down payments of mortages for rental properties. 

4. 如果我請property management company幫我打理的話,PM產生的費用能用來抵稅嗎?

Yes, PM expense can be deducted from rental income.