最近幹了件傻事,把汽車開進本地公園的綠地,被本地警察抓住帶到警局,給了一個“ Non Traffic Complaint and arrest ticket”
Ticket 內容是:
Defendant did unlawfully commit the offense of: damage to property in validation of charter 3 section 5.3.4 of the Code of Village:
To Wit: The dedentant knowingly caused damage to Village property by driving his vehicle into Park causing damage to the grass turf and access road.
警察說28天內county Circuit Court 會寄信來確定COURT DATE.
在警局還被照了像,給了個 BAIL BOND. 內容是:
The person name above, as defendant, and whose signature appears below, has been charged with the offense of damage to property (LOCAL ORID).
The bail for this offense has been set at $75 dollars X Rule of court
There for the in consideration of being released from custody, the person charged, he or she, and the surety, if any, agree:
1. That they are indebted to the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ABC in the full amount of the bail.
2. That the person charged will:
A. Appear to answer the charges in the Judicial Circuit Court
B. No to leave the State of ABC without permission of the Court
C. No violate any criminal status of any jurisdiction.
D. Give written notice to the Clerk of this Court within 24 hours of any change of address.
3. INDIVIDUAL BOND. Approved by Police offer xxx
3。 這樣的案子會不會留下不好的記錄,怎麽才能消除記錄呢?
請教老貓:damage to property上法庭
charter 3 section 5.3.4 of the Code of Village is:
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04/27/2009 postreply
回複:請教老貓:damage to property上法庭
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04/27/2009 postreply
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04/27/2009 postreply