This is a tough one..
Here is your case: You just want your money back. But if you hire a lawyer, that money goes to him/or her, or,at least a big chunk of it. That would be worse than giving it to your sister. Here is what I suggest you do:
First, talk to your best friend neibor to see if you can use her/his address to receive letters from your sister, if not, open a mail Box at your local post office. Buy a prepaid cell phone. Then you use your Microsoft word editor, fabricate a "formal" looking letter from a "Big Law firm XXx" .( Obviously, you want to make sure you don't use some real law firm's at least google it first).Then you borrow a law book from you local liborary. Copy a threatening letter from the book. Have your bank print out the wire transfer document on bank letter ( to make it look real.). Then have an American friend double check the letter, and sign a garbage name..with your cell phone number, and PObox and a friend's address on the letter head.. The letter should tell your sister that your hired a big lawyer. If she does not pay, or arrange payment within 2 weeks, the law firm will take her to court. And if she loses, she is responsible for all costs including but not limited to, atterney fees,air travel,room and board ...Then mail it to her via Fex next day...
Maybe your sister will pay you right back. At least scare her half death if you do it right, right :)? It won't cost your much any way...and you get to have some fun with your sister! Good luck!