尋找證人,為我女兒和太太找回公道 (一)

尋找證人,為我死去的女兒和重傷的太太討回公道。 (一)

關於這個案件我十分感激廣大網友的關心和支持,今天我收到許多電話,也看到許多網友的來貼,讓我感動萬分。在這個案件中我太太的證詞因為沒有證人證實,而對其中一位開車跟在被告後麵的證人因其停車時也越過人行斑馬線,就認為被告也是沒有足夠時間刹車,以此作為主要依據得出上述判決,我認為很不公平,為什麽其餘所有證人包括坐在她付駕駛座上的男友都在遠處看到身著鮮豔衣服的我女兒和太太,而隻有被告在撞人前才看到,而被告車道前麵沒有任何視線障礙,不像有的網友以為視線被停在斑馬線之前的車擋住,因為被告在最靠近我太太和女兒的那條車道curb line上,這難道不是 careless driving 嗎? 檢察官對此也認為這是careless driving的最有利的證據。


1.It has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that there were motor vehicles stopped for the pedestrians in the westbound left lane.
2.It has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that my wife was stopped for a period of time waiting for motor vehicles to stop prior to stepping onto the roadway and entering the crosswalk.
3.A driver or possible drivers of vehicles at , close to , or approaching the scene of the accident left the scene without leaving their names or giving statements. It has not been proven where those vehicles were when the accident occurred.


我的email 是 changweiye@yahoo.com


Woman acquitted of charges in car accident that killed a 6-year-old
Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald
Published: Monday, August 18, 2008
CALGARY - A University of Calgary student was acquitted Monday of all three charges related to a car-pedestrian accident that killed a six-year-old girl in January 2007.

Provincial court Judge Catherine Skene, in a written ruling, found Angela Ta, 19, not guilty of careless driving, failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk and passing a vehicle stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk related to the crash that killed Jenna Chang and injured the girl's mother, Ye Qiao.

"It's just very sad . . . very tough," Wei Chang, the girl's father, said outside court following provincial court Judge Catherine Skene. "This case, justice is not served. I don't know how to tell my wife."

The judge wrote that Ta could not have stopped her father's black BMW in time before it struck Chang and Qiao att 32nd Ave. and 37th St. N.W. on Jan. 18, 2007.

"Based on the evidence and testimony that I did have before me," wrote Skene, "there is evidence to suggest that the two pedestrians stepped off the sidewalk and/or curb, onto the roadway - specifically westbound 32nd Avenue into the path of Ta's vehicle when Ta's vehicle was so close that it was impracticable for the driver to yield the right of way."

the judge said no guilty,cause:
1.It has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that there were motor vehicles stopped for the pedestrians in the westbound left lane.
2.It has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that my wife was stopped for a period of time waiting for motor vehicles to stop prior to stepping onto the roadway and entering the crosswalk.
3.A driver or possible drivers of vehicles at , close to , or approaching the scene of the accident left the scene without leaving their names or giving statements. It has not been proven where those vehicles were when the accident occurred.
