回複:does your local university have
law students can't take real cases like this unless they are in law school clinics. However, all the law school clinics do not take whatever the cases you ask them to do.
I suggest Highpressure to consult a real lawyer. You need to find your own lawyer at this point. Go to your local yellow book and find a malpractice lawyer to sue the insurance company lawyer and your insurance company. Most time you can negotiate that your first consulting with the lawyer should be free.
Your insurance lawyer has malpracticed since he didn't inform you that you need to go to the trial. (I assumed that you didn't get the notice of the trial and your lawyer's motion of postponing the trial has been denied.)
However, if you did get all the notices and you didn't go to the hearing or the trial, I don't think that you have excuses not to pay the judgement.