[回複:F2轉J1,有這樣的例子嗎?] Yes, but it's not a good approach.

來源: 2007-06-29 01:18:21 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Sure you can change your status from F2 to J1. I do know quite a few such cases. However, one thing is for sure, as I recall, you can't change your status to J1 within US, you have to go out of US to apply J1 visa, either mother country or third countries are OK.

However, it definitely is NOT a good approach, considering all the troubles J1 will bring to you in the future.

Why don't you ask them to apply H1 for you? Post-doc working at university can work under H1 status and doesn't need H1 quota, thus, you can get your H1 at any time once you get the offer.

You are welcome!