警惕有人偷車牌! from friend's email

This is GOOD info - Thought I'd share. Some people are
evidently going to the extreme. A woman said her son found his
license plate
missing so he called the police to file a report. They told him
people were stealing the plates to get free gas.

Given the rise in gas prices, people have taken to stealing
license plates, putting them on their car, then getting gas and
running. The gas station will have "your" license plate # and you could be in
trouble for "pump and run."

Check your car periodically to be sure you still have a plate. If
you should find it missing, file a report immediately!!! Keep an eye
on your license plate! Make sure you always know it's there!

When the license plate is reported as the "drive off vehicle",
it's YOU they contact! Be aware!!!! Be aware of your license plates,
most of us never look to see if the plates are there or not
