Can somebody give me constructive suggestions?
I am an undergrad student in U.S.I come from China.Recently I got a position in an pharmacology research lab as intern. The PI, one post doc,one Phd student, and I are all Chinese. There is another American Indian who is also Phd student. At the beginning, the PI asked me to be the assistant of thta American Indian student so that I can learn things since I did not have any research experience before. Overall everybody is nice to me. I am also always willing to learn. Whatever they asked to do, I just tried my best to help.However, my main focus is co-working with that American guy.
This morning that American guy accdentially cut his leg. He was looking for first-aid and did not ask for help from anybody.I just happened to see what was happening. I asked him if there was anything I can help and he said no. At that time he was trying to wrap his leg with gauze, awkwardly.I asked one more time:"Are you sure?"He answered:"No,I don't need help.That's stupid!"I was shocked and asked why.He said:"What if there is disease on your hands?"I asked"what kind of disease?"He answered"You know,you are from China, there is SARS all over the place~~~~"
I was so pissed off but I pretended nothing happened, going back to work.
This is my first time feeling like being offended in U.S.Since I am an undergrad, still young,I don't have a lot of experience to deal with such issue.I don't mean to fight for any right. I just wanna learn from this issue and know what to do in the future!
Thanks for any help!