ok, let me try again.
If you bought something from retail store, they have written policy to protect customer to get lowerest price, and you can get price adjustment within a period of time. This has became a common business practice.
In real estate market (at least in NY/NJ area), there is no such concept. The "common practice" is: everything is negotiable before contract; you can't ask for anything else (usually) after contract. In your case, your deal is closed! Of course they won't give you anything. The chance is ZERO, I would say.
As matter of fact, even if you did negotiate with them before, you still may not get anything, this is called negotiation skill. Other people got more upgrade because they have negotiation skill.
OK, one last thing about price negotiation. You may negotiate a lot things in this country. Auto service (even dealer), furniture.... Always ask: "Do I get any discount if I pay cash?".