請教老貓房屋保險賠付問題。 首先表示感謝!

來源: 2024-02-15 17:13:25 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

我住Georgia。 我的屋頂十七年了。之前找人看過被告知狀態還好, 應該還有十年壽命。去年四月份,我們這裏下了冰雹。 我請了roofing contractor來檢查一下屋頂。Roofing contractor告知屋頂多處被冰雹砸壞。然後我就聯係了保險公司(Heritage)做了claim.

很快保險公司派人來做了評估。Inspector 告訴我屋頂多處有明顯的冰雹損傷,他會建議full roof replacement. 可之後保險公司的結論是隻提供cosmetic repair cost 並寄來了支票供。我再次打電話給inspector, 並確認他給保險公司提供的inspection report確實是建議full roof replacement. 我聯係保險公司, 問為什麽沒有根據inspection report賠付 full roof replacement 並要求他們提供 inspection report, 得到的回答是“我們認為這是合理的" 並拒絕提供inspection report.

經過多次的溝通協商, 保險公司同意再找一個工程師做inspection。保險公司請了US. Forensic的工程師做了 inspection。The engineering report 確認了冰雹損傷 ,結論是 given the age of the roof, the overall weathered condition of the shingles and other non-weather related detriments to the shingles, we would not recommend replacement of the noted individual shingles 。也就是說他也建議full replacement.然而保險公司還是堅持隻賠付 repair cost但 這次他向我提供了US. Forensic engineering report。

我聯係了州裏的consumer service division。他們和保險公司聯係後給我的答複是we are unable to reverse or overturn any decision currently or previously made by the insurance company。There is nothing in the law that gives this office the authority to mandate an action from an insurance company。You have the option of invoking the Appraisal Clause,

我聯係了保險公司要求invoking the Appraisal Clause。得到的回複是the appraisal provision within the Heritage policy is applicable to disagreement of the amount of your loss. Your dispute is related to the coverage afforded. For this reason,Heritage must deny your request for appraisal。

總而言之,保險公司就是不同意賠付 full roof replacement (盡管兩次inspection都建議如此)。我的roofing contractor (他一直參與我和保險公司的交流)建議我找律師。請問老貓,你建議我找律師嗎?政府有什麽部門有法律權限監督保險公司嗎?保險公司想賠多少就賠多少就沒人管嗎?
