求教:Surety Bond

來源: 2018-03-22 18:58:21 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

幾年前我當了minor的conservator, 幫助管理幾萬塊資金直到18歲。當時應法院要求從surety bond company買了surety bond. 由於這幾年的增值,前不久法院發了一紙 “Notice to File or Appear” (見下)給我,同時抄送了bond company.  大意是要增加surety bond. 這個Notice是給我作為conservator的,隻是抄送了bond company,但並不expect bond company to respond. 

Bond company 收到後,去谘詢了律師事務所,花了差不多$1k (三個多小時),現在來問我要reimbursement, 說是根據Indemnity Agreement.

當時簽Indemnity Agreement, 覺得隻是走程序,根本就沒想還會有這種情況。但即使這樣,我個人認為bond company 采取的行動是不reasonable的,理由如下,請懂行的幫忙評判。如果他們的行動是合理的,那隻能認了。

首先這個Notice 是給我作為conservator的,bond company 沒有必要回應,他們作為業內人,自己就應該明白。即使不明白,給法院打個電話就清楚了,而不應該直接就谘詢律師。所以我認為這筆費用是他們沒有采取合理的行動而造成的,不應由我負擔。我這樣說有說服力嗎?

如果bond company 一定要我付,值得上small claim court嗎(bond company在加州,我不是)?費用大概要多少?這對我是個strong case 嗎?

如果我不付,他們轉交給collection company, 我應該怎麽做?


***Notice of File or Appear***

You are required to appear at this hearing or file the above documents (指additional surety bond) at least 10 days prior to the hearing date.  Failure to file the documents or appear will result in the issuance of an Order to Show Cause.  If an Order to Show Cause is issued against you, it could lead to a finding of contempt of court which might result in your removal as a Conservator, you may be fined or a warrant issued for your arrest.