
來源: 2017-11-03 14:47:24 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

我兩年半前請了一個律師幫我辦了一個LLC。 前不久聽一個朋友講到registered agent等等, 說他的律師就是他的registered agent,我不記得我這個律師有跟我提過誰是registered agent. 所以我就寫了一個email去問,就一句話:誰是我的registered agent, 是不是我自己。 那個律師回了email:


The registered office is xxx address.  (yyy was only the organizer).  If you need me to scan and sent you the Certificate of Organization, I would be happy to do so.  I assume you still have the operating agreement.

注:我們州不要求registered agent, 隻要registered address. yyy 是那個firm的一個partner.

我回信說我有certificate of organization.

今天收到他們的賬單,review client email, review file and reply to client, 0.4 hours, amount of $150. 

