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§119. Conveyance of property—Attornment of tenant (房產的轉讓及租戶的認可權)
A. A conveyance of real estate, or of any interest therein, by a landlord shall be valid without the attornment of the tenant, but the payment of rent by the tenant to the grantor at any time before written notice of the conveyance is given to the tenant shall be good against the grantee.(房東做出的房地產或其它相關財產的轉讓無需征得租戶的同意。但是,租戶在接到房產轉賣通知之前已付給原房主的租金,新房主不可重複索要。)

B. The attornment of a tenant to a stranger shall be void, and shall not affect the possession of the landlord unless it is made with the consent of the landlord, or pursuant to a judgment at law, or the order or decree of a court.(除非有新房東的同意,或依據法庭判決或有關法律條文生效之外,租戶自行轉讓租權給他人無效,新房東有權收回出租房產。)

C. Unless otherwise agreed and except as otherwise provided in this act, upon termination of the owner’s interest in the dwelling unit including, but not limited to, termination of interest by sale, assignment,  death,  bankruptcy,  appointment  of  a  receiver  or  otherwise,  the  owner  is  relieved  of all liability under the rental agreement and of all obligations under this act as to events occurring
subsequent to written notice to the resident of the termination of the owner’s interest. The successor in interest to the owner shall be liable for all obligations under the rental agreement or under this act. Upon receipt by a resident of written notice of the termination of the owner’s interest in the  dwelling  unit,  a  resident  shall  pay  all  future  rental  payments,  when  due,  to  the  successor  in interest to the owner.(除非各方同意和本法另有規定外,一旦因出售房產,轉讓,本人死亡, 破產和他人繼承等變更因素造成原房東對其房屋所有權不再擁有時,其對現租房合同裏所需執行的義務和責任在書麵通知租戶這一決定後則一筆勾銷。新的房東需執行現有合同或本法所規定的各項責任。租戶在收到原房東書麵有關通知後,其所有租金應按時付給新的房東。)


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