前些日子網友hutu98 提供了一個鏈接,是伊利諾州的計算方法,可以作為參考。裏麵是這樣算的:

來源: 2015-08-24 10:19:59 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Illinois calculates basic support as a percentage of a non-custodial parent’s net income, after allowing for certain deductions

20% for one child
28% for two children
32% for three children
40% for four children
45% for five children, and
50% for six or more children.


To calculate child support in Illinois, you’ll need to add up the non-custodial parent’s available “net income.” This includes all income, whether earned or unearned, minus any applicable deductions and adjustments listed in the guidelines. Common examples of income are wages, commissions, self-employment earnings, and investment income. Deductions include federal and state income taxes, social security tax, mandatory retirement contributions, union dues, health insurance premiums for the non-custodial parent or dependents, expenses necessary to produce income, medical expenses necessary for life or health, and any reasonable amounts already paid for the benefit of the child or the custodial parent, not including gifts. The non-custodial parent can also deduct any court-ordered alimony (spousal support) or child support previously paid.

這個計算是NetIncome的百分比,而這裏的 Netincome 明顯是扣除了聯邦稅,州稅和社會安全稅和健康保險的收入。