回複:超速被抓,第一次拿了一張罰單,$140,超速11-14MPH, LOCAL,上法庭嗎?

來源: 2014-06-19 10:26:28 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Just check the court option if you have time to go.  Chances are you will be given a better offer at the court before hearing, e.g. reduce penalty, or no record ...  In some state you may even be given an opportunity to explain what happened before going to court.  And your case could be dismissed by the letter you write. The law is not enforced in the way many peope think: if you were wrong, you have to be punished per the corresponding statue.

You can explain this is the first time you got traffice ticket N years after you got the license.  If there was certain situation at that time, explain it too.  Even if you do not have any excuse, you can still go to court and you will get something better.  Of course, it also depends on the state as well as the DA handling your case.