兩份遺囑: 大陸,美國

來源: 2011-12-22 12:17:22 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

hu*****and died and left a trust/will. Will was filed to the Court in california. Wife has this copy of will, their daughter was the beneficary.The administrator of will is his friend

Hu*****and worked for a china company. When wife as trustee tried to collect information for trust, company refused and said they could only talk to his parents since his will said so. Wife had never heard of it. His parents wouldn't talk to wife.

Which wills should be effective or they are both effective? How to handle this in two contries? If the will in china is also effective, should it be filed to court? How can wife obtain a will?

it is so messy! Thanks for the advices! Merry Christmas!