單身老貓, help please!!

來源: 2010-12-15 10:08:45 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

I have a three-year old credit card debt ($10K) which have been sold to collection agency for a while, now the agency is trying to sue me, and I want to know what will be the best ways to get over this.  I currently have a job but working in another state (SC) which is different from where I got my credit card debt (Texas).  I do have my salary directly deposit to my bank account in Texas (Chase) so that I can pay mortgage and utility bills (I have a house in Texas).  My current salary can just cover current expense (mortgage, utility, rent, child suppport etc.), so I don't have extra money for the old credit card debt.  What will be my best options? If I switch my direct deposit to a bank in SC, can they come to garnish my salary here? I heard they may freeze my Texas bank account, should I close it and use the bank in SC to pay my mortgage and utilities?  Thanks a lot and urgently waiting for your reply!!!