【合唱】閻王也來把歌唱《嘿,小鳴鳥-Hey Little Songbird》選自音樂劇《冥界Hadestown》

來源: 2020-06-06 08:46:18 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

《嘿,小鳴鳥-Hey Little Songbird》取自於2018年獲得8項托尼大獎的音樂劇《冥界Hadestown》,目前正在紐約百老匯上演,這個音樂劇用現代的藝術手法描寫了希臘神話裏一段愛情悲劇,音樂家俄耳甫斯Orpheus是太陽神和繆斯女神的兒子,他經過千苦萬難去冥界,欲救回死去的妻子歐律狄克EURYDICE,好不容易用他優美的琴聲打動了冥王Hades放人,也答應了冥王的一個條件,就是在出冥界之前,不能看妻子一眼。他一路在前走,妻子一路緊跟,就在出冥界的那一刻,妻子抱怨他的冷落,他情不自禁一回頭,妻子又被抓了回去。受這個打擊,他一直放浪形骸,浪跡天崖,最後被一幫女人砍了頭。天神宙斯見他淒慘,便把他的七弦琴掛在了天空,這便是天琴星座的來曆。

Hey, little songbird, give me a song
I'm a busy man and I can't stay long
I got clients to call, I got orders to fill
I got walls to build, I got riots to quell
And they're giving me hell back in Hades

Hey, little songbird, cat got your tongue?
Always a pity for one so pretty and young
When poverty comes to clip your wings
And knock the wind right out of your lungs
Hey, nobody sings on empty

Strange is the call of this strange man
I wanna fly down and feed at his hand
I want a nice, soft place to land
I wanna lie down forever

Hey, little songbird, you've got something fine
You'd shine like a diamond down in the mine
And the choice is yours if you're willing to choose
Seeing as you've got nothing to lose
And I could use a canary

Suddenly nothing is as it was
Where are you now, Orpheus?
Wasn't it gonna be the two of us?
Weren't we birds of a feather?

Hey, little songbird, let me guess
He's some kind of poet and he's penniless
Give him your hand, he'll give you his hand-to-mouth
He'll write you a poem when the power is out
Hey, why not fly south for the winter?

Hey, little songbird, look all around you
See how the vipers and vultures surround you
And they'll take you down, they'll pick you clean
If you stick around such a desperate scene
See, people get mean when the chips are down。