As of 2008, 6 Harvey Mudd students had graduated with 4.0 GPA

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According to a post on,
as of 2008, there had been a grand total of 6 Harvey Mudd graduates with perfect 4.0 GPA since the school was established in 1955.
The information may not be 100%  correct but the number of prefect 4.0 GPA graduates from Harvey Mudd is definitely very low (likely no more than 2 dozens since the founding of the school).

I met a Harvey Mudd alum with a 2.3 GPA, who is thriving as an Engineering Director at Broadcom right at this moment.

Apparently, grade deflation at Harvey Mudd does not negatively impact its graduates' job placements or grad school applications. In 2017, 24% of its graduates went grad schools (7 to Stanford).

