大學就放手?--- 與大學生家長的探討

來源: 2019-09-24 11:23:44 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


這是兩個資深心理和精神科醫生寫的有關大學生心理健康和生活壓力的書(2019年出版, The Stressed Years of Their Lives),其中有許多例子,讀起來很抓人心。一些數據可以說讓人震驚:

- Almost 30% of all college students report having felt so depressed that they had trouble functioning in the last 12 months

- More than 80% of college students felt overwhelmed by all they had to do in the past year, and 45% have felt things were hopeless.

- Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students, claiming the lives of 1100 students each year.

- 67% of college students tell a friend they are feeling suicidal before telling anyone else.

- More than half of college students have had suicidal thoughts and 1 in 10 students seriously consider attempting suicide. Half of the students who have suicidal thoughts never seek counseling or treatment.

- 80 to 90 percent of college students who die by suicide were not receiving help from their college counseling centers.



1。認為功課好的孩子就是狀態好,功課實習科研都搞定了就沒太大問題。其實不少出問題的孩子都是十分優秀的。在幾年前的書《What Made Maddy Run》中,U Penn的運動員Maddy是一個既出色又貼心的孩子。


3。 上大學了家長就該徹底放手,盲目推崇“目送背影,不必追”。其實大學階段孩子正處於急速成熟期,功課、獨立生活、感情問題、專業選擇、就業問題、人際關係都一下子出現在眼前。家長因不敢“打攪”孩子而缺乏對孩子基本狀況必要的了解,更談不上有效的溝通和指導。當然事無巨細地做“直升機”,孩子也會煩。

4。孩子比自己小時候強,不需要我們指導什麽了。也許孩子英文比我們好,功課好,在中學階段還展現了領導才華,但父母是最了解他們關愛他們的人,也比他們有更多的人生經驗,這也是孩子的great resource。

書中建議大學生離家前簽署好health care directive, 以免孩子在大學期間家長無法直接從心理輔導員或者醫生那裏了解情況,我覺得也是很好的建議。
