A Letter to Tooth Fairy

來源: 2012-10-17 17:02:54 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

小閑今天晃悠了好幾天的大門牙終於掉了,媽媽見上麵還沾著些血跡,想幫她洗幹淨再放到枕頭底下給Tooth Fairy,結果沒有抓緊,牙齒掉進了下水道。晚上,小閑正兒八經給Tooth Fairy寫了封信: 


Dear Tooth Fairy,

I lost my tooth this morning, but unfortunately I lost it. It fell down the drain. It happened when we tried to clean it. I’m sorry, but can we still get a gift?

P.S. What do you use the teeth for?




好真誠啊!不知道Tooth Fairy感動了沒有?會不會答應她的請求?