
來源: 2022-11-18 09:02:31 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


我準備為父母申請綠卡,材料齊全,有我的出生證明,我和父母的親屬關係證明,上麵都清楚列著父母雙方的名字以及和我的母子、父子關係。父母曾經離過一次婚後又複婚,有離婚證和第二次的結婚證但是沒有帶到美國也沒有公證。當時父母不想在申請中寫離婚又複婚的事情,但又無法提供第一次結婚時的結婚證,所以找到了一份檔案裏的當年的結婚申請書並在公證處做了公證。結婚申請書的英文翻譯是Marriage application,裏麵有“we get a marriage voluntarily, and conform to the marriage registration of XXXXX and the marriage certificate is issued”這樣的話並且上麵也寫了結婚證號。請問8老師:


-Is there a official stamp or signature from the Civil Department of the local Government in that 結婚申請書? If no, it may not be used as the marrige certificate. But if you do not have a choice, may just provide it now. The 結婚申請書 (or marriage certificate) must have the marrige date on it which is very important to prove that you were born after your parents got married.


-If you have all the documents in hand, just proivde the actual marriage history (married, divorced, re-mairred) in I-130 and I-485. Then, provide the copies of the documents.


-If USCIS do not accept 結婚申請書, they will ask you to provide a new one later. Then, you may ask 當地派處所或民政部門出個證明,then do the 公證.


-No. Your birth certificate has proved the blood relationship between you and your father. USCIS need your parents' certificate just to prove that you were born after they got married. Thus, your father does not need to prove that he supported you (e.g., living fee, tuition, etc.) before you became adult.

