
來源: 2022-10-23 20:42:15 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

1. 我的出生公證裏我媽名字的英文和她護照有出入,公證書裏多了一撇。護照中比如是 Zhang Xiaohua; 公證書寫的是 Zhang Xiao'hua。 這個會有問題嗎?

-No problem. USCIS know Chinese names well.


-Not need.


-Not need unless USCIS ask for it later. It is just translation diference. As long as her Chinese name is the same in the two documents, it will be fine.

2. 另外我以前還做過一份出生公證,名字是對的,但比美國版本少了兩頁紙,我能用這個公證書,找個這邊懂中,英文的人翻譯公證,補上後兩頁,可以嗎?

-Fine. The translation should meet the USCIS translation requirements. See this link for some information:

What are USCIS Requirements for Certified Foreign Language Translations? - Capitol Immigration Law Group PLLC (

